I won't use the name so they don't get more publicity
OK Westboro Baptist Church aka the Family of Pastor Fred Phelps, some of whom have simply lovely singing voices, never mind that they use those lovely voices to fling hatred at the families of dead soldiers, mass murdered children, and a boy in Wyoming identified as a victim of a hate crime but see, even the killers know that's wrong.
Let's start with Matthew Shepard. He was beaten nearly to death on the prairie near Laramie, Wyoming. He was left tied to a fence post and he did die during the night. The country was galvanized by the beating death of that sweet gay boy! Except it wasn't about his orientation. It was about his money. Matthew had a lot of it and he flashed it around. Two redneck Wyoming boys decided they wanted it. They didn't get it, but they did not go after Matthew for being gay. They went after him for being stupid. He flashed his cash and he got killed for it. That's all. So the Family Phelps wasted their time pelting his parents with hate at Matthew's funeral. He was gay, sure, but he didn't die because he was gay. How do I know this? I worked for the law firm that represented the killers and until it became the media's delight to call Matthew a gay martyr, those boys didn't say a word about his orientation. It was all about his money.
So let's talk about those hate mongers for a bit. They seem to believe that they're going to heaven. Now, I have to admit that I'm not a Christian. But I was raised in Christian faiths so I think I understand. If you're good and you obey God or at least admit you were wrong and ask for forgiveness, you go to heaven when you die. If you don't follow God's ways, and Jesus' message, you go down, right? So we have this family spreading hate and calling it God's viewpoint. So that's not nice. That's not Christian behavior. That's hate and hate is not on the menu. So they're going to hell; at least most of them will. I don't want to think those sweet children can't be turned around and made to let go of those vile messages and be taught to love. But at least Fred and Shirley and all the adult gang are going to plummet directly into hell fully clothed the instant they die because of the things they've been doing. So I've been thinking. What is hell? Well, what is heaven? No, I don't believe it's all angels and wings. I think heaven is the nicest place the dead person remembers. So on the other hand, hell must be the worst place. So hell for the Family Phelps has got to be rampant with gay people! I won't be there to watch since I am as I said not a Christian so I don't believe in the Christian hell. I'm not sure I believe in any hell, actually. But I would like a video, like a You Tube thing, showing Fred Phelps darting away from those foul gay people.
Micheal Moore painted a bus pink and loaded it with gay men and lesbians. They exited that bus singing and dancing and moved toward the Reverend Phelps and that man ran. So yes, I think his hell would be a small room in which he sat in a chair in the middle and gay men and lesbians danced all round his chair.
I do probably have a somewhat evil streak, but I feel justified. They are vile representatives of Christianity,and I think the KKK and the Hell's Angels and all real Christians should stand together every time those mentally deranged monsters show up, and tell them peacefully and pleasantly that they're just not welcome.
And remember when Child Protective Services rousted the fundamentalist Mormons in Texas and took all their kids away? I think someone had best be looking into the welfare of the Phelps children who are being taught hatred they don't even understand. An 8 year old boy told a reporter that the reporter was going to hell, but he couldn't remember why until Daddy coached him from the sidelines. The sweetest little 3 year old girl sings the same vile songs of hate that the beautiful voices of the women sing. Those babies hold signs that say God Hate Fags and they clearly do not understand why the people across the road hate them. Someone needs to rescue those babies and raise them in sanity and safety.
And the Westboro Baptist Church needs to have its church designation taken from it. It is not a church. It is hate group so virulent that the Ku Klux Klan cannot tolerate it. That just grips me. I can't get over it. A group wrapped up in hate can march against the Phelps family in righteous indignation at the profaning of a solemn and heartbreaking event. It is sobering indeed to know that men like the Grand Wizard can step outside their own dysfunction and say, enough! You are the worst and we stand against you.
Let us all stand against them, Christian, Jew, Muslim, agnostic and atheist. Let's join arms with the KKK and the Hells Angels, and with Michael Moore and his pink bus of gays and lesibians. Let's run them back to the boltholes they came from and still, let's find a way to keep standing together regardless of faith, skin color, gender, age, or lack of faith. Would I stand with the KKK? Well, let's just put them at the far end of the line, OK? The Hell's Angels. Hell yeah! I'd stand with them because I've know some of those men and their women, and you know what? They're no different from anyone else. They just wear leather, ride big bikes, and look scary. But they are men and women who love and laugh and cry and mourn their lost ones. They respect their dead and stand for the right of the dead to the respect of the living.
Whoever we are, whatever we believe, we must stand against this hate filled family that tells us that God hates America for accepting gay and lesbian marriage, so he's turning America's guns on small children.
I'm not even a Christian and I know God better than that!
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