God has Spoken. She has sorted. She has reduced the world's population to a few who are inherently non-violent and essentially good people. They are good enough, anyway, for God's plans. She intends to make of Haven, their new home, a living heaven. All those chosen are close enough to angelic to, with a bit of work, become angels. She sends the Guardians, those who have walked since time began, observing Her children and reporting back to Her about them, to guide this small group to angelic status.
There's just one small problem. Mysterious and her mate, Walker, are the guardians. Well, they are the Guardians' bodies. But, well, you see, Mysterious and Walker got way-laid on the way to God's new world. They got way-laid by two of Satan's favorite nasty demons. And they have captured God. She is locked inside Mysterious' brain with a nasty and rather smelly little demon and with a surprisingly insane Mysterious; that relates to a baby in a pot. And of course She can see perfectly well what the demons plan. They plan to destroy Her new world. They plan to pervert it and corrupt and to make it Lucifer's sort of place.
God calls upon Another and says, um, you wanna get me outta here? And the Other smiles with love and says, of course I will. It's what I do, after all. I do Thy will. Be patient just a bit. For there are others we must protect, too. And God says, oh yeah! Yeah, those I made of the Cloud I am, would you please be sure to keep the demons from them, because of course if one Child of the Cloud is destroyed, all of them are, and time itself is extinguished. It starts all over with the Garden and Adam and Eve.
The Other smiles. That isn't going to happen. That small boy who is Cloud is brilliant beyond comprehension. He will be smart and he will be careful. As this book ends, Mysterious has had a hissy fit and sent all of God's chosen back to Earth and wiped their minds of all they knew of the new world. But she's going to bring them to Haven and start over. The demons are gone now. So now we have Walker, who is pretty bland, and Mysterious, who is mad as a hatter running the show.

The rebirth of the world of the chosen didn't work out very well. In fact, the cover of the book, which shows rampant raging fire, pretty much describes how this whole plan to restart worked out.
Sinead of God and her mate, Sean, are the Guardians. But long ago, battered and worn by their walk upon Humankind's road, they turned to their Friend Above and said, enough. We cannot walk this road any longer. And She said then I will send others and you, My Guardians, will turn now and walk The Road Less Traveled. And so the bond formed and was accepted. Another pair would walk Humankind's road and incur the scars and battery of Humankind's wars and pogroms. And in exchange for this, Sinead would serve God's every wish without demur.
But this one is hard. This one requires that Sinead destroy Mysterious and then rebuild her without the madness. Mysterious, for all her wrongs and weaknesses, is as close as Sinead of God will ever get to a sister. To intentionally drive her to a complete breakdown by poking sticks at her insanity is too hard. But Sinead obeys Her beloved God and Mysterious is wiped clean. And rebuilt.

But Mysterious and Walker take over the administration of Haven, free of demons and no longer in possession of God. But they are not the Guardians, and the Chosen are beginning to realize that. Mysterious and Walker are gray. Sinead and Sean are Technicolor in their love for each other, their respect for each other, and the simple open-handed generosity of spirit they carry. And then there's the magic. Sinead has a boatload of it. Mysterious can make food and clothes when needed.
The last thing Sinead wants is to manage Haven! It has humans on it! Sinead wearied of humans a long time ago! But the Chosen know that Mysterious and Walker are not the Guardians. And they ask Sinead how it can be, that they are called the Guardians. Sinead of God has no capacity to lie. She cannot tell the Chosen that Mysterious and Walker are the Guardians. And so that magnificently powerful girl kneels and turns her pretty face to heaven and says, Thy will be done. Mysterious and Walker ascend to heaven for the last time. And Sinead of God and her mate Sean return to the South cap of Haven, where there is a place called The Road Less Traveled. There, they live with their growing family, and angels. Angels are not Humans. They are not fractious, and they cannot lie, and they are happy in their lives on Haven. They are honored to stand in service to the true Guardians, who want no pomp and circumstance at all, but rather fishing trips with their children, and picnics and barbecues. It all works very well.
But then North are the Humans. And they do have to be dealt with. Over and over again.

Bat means born of. Sarah is the child of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. She has lived since six months after her father died on the Romans' cross. She has seen her mother die, and she has accepted God's charge that she must forever after protect her mother's body. No, not her bones. Her body. Sarah's mother never putrefied.
Sarah travels 2,000 years and more, always being carefully spirited away by the Knights Templar, when it seemed she would be discovered. Always, her mother's body travels with her, and it is a rare day that Sarah does not kneel at that casket and weep.
She finds a place, finally, where Mary Magdalene can rest in safety, and Sarah can let go her duty somewhat. And then God proposes that Sarah become the mother of His new race. She would never say no to God; it is unthinkable. And so she becomes the single and unmarried and virgin mother of the new race.
She finds a man she much enjoys and in time, marries him. But then God tells Sarah the most alarming thing. It's time she expose Him. Well, she won't say no to God, so she does.
God is a man from another galaxy who carried so much magic out of that galaxy that he could not live in a body with it. So he became just his soul with all that magic. But now the man has wants. He is lonely and he is tired of being God. He wants to leave the God bit in heaven and Walk on Earth. And in his Walk, he fully intends to marry Sarah. He tells her that. Horror is not even a good enough word to express Sarah's reaction to this, but she finds the saving words. She's married to Mark. She can't marry God.
So God kills Mark. He simply removes Mark from the world.
Sarah is livid! She is furious! What more selfish act might God ever perform!
And so she leaves her home and rides out on her horse.
Four months later the man who walks Earth who was God, showed up in her rough camp and essentially advised her that she was going home. Her children were there!
They are not my children. They're yours. Your new race. I meant nothing to you other than the incubator of your new race. So have them. Leave me alone!
Naturally, he's not going to do any such thing.
All of these and a few more will be published to the Kindle. They will all cost a whopping $2.99. Watch for them.
Oh, my pen name is MacKenzie Morgan, the last names of the two girls who bet with me in 7th grade that one of us would be the first of the three to publish a book. When I got that blessed email from Amazon saying, your book has been published, I forwarded it to them. Several days later, two money orders for $250 each were in my mailbox. The pen name honors those sweet friends from days gone by.
The cover artist is Jenn Ryan. The editor is Kitty Hamilton.