Blogging About Life, Families, MS and Life
I am likely to cover virtually any topic and of course I will accept suggestions anytime. I love to write and when I can, I do it!
Monday, November 20, 2017
You'll think I'm redundant, but
Where the hell did America go?
It was here. I remember. I remember America. It was where the right to free speech was practically sacred. It was where a free press was simply a given. It was where children of all races played together at the city park and no one on the park grounds had evil words to pass to other children. Parents did not hustle their children away from those ... other children. And if gays and lesbians were discussed at all, it was with a half-embarrassed but tolerant voice that said, well, I don't really know any, but I can't see what harm they could do.
Yes, there were white picket fences. Families went to church on Sunday and had brunch when they got home. It was the only day Dad put on a suit, and though Mom wore dresses every day, her church dress was much better. The kids changed into play clothes and after a much welcomed late breakfast (called brunch by adults) went outside to play albeit not as loudly or roughly as they had played during the week.
Though it was on one of those Sundays that I heard an argument that was getting old. My oldest brother wanted to marry the daughter of one my father's brothers. My mother said absolutely not; she's your first cousin and it's not done. Even then, into the morass of emotion, I thought, but he's my father's stepson. They're not related at all, so he's not related to his uncle's daughter because he's not related to his uncle so why can't he marry her? I wonder about these things. Is that what changed him? Or was it something dark and evil that changed him?
But I digress. I miss my America. I even miss the later America, the one I raised my son in. We didn't go to church on Sundays or have brunches. We usually camped when the weather allowed, or slept in and did not much on weekends, gearing up for the weeks ahead.
But that wasn't bad. His "big brother" was actually two gay men who taught my son much and more about what matters in a man -- and no, it isn't size. What matters is love, compassion, respect, and patience. I am quite proud to say that my son possesses all of those, but I hold no claim to them. His gay big brothers did that and dispensed with a boatload of male baggage in the process.
But do you see? Big Brothers/Big Sisters made that match and my son saw nothing strange in it. Nor did I. He had male influence and that mattered to me.
He also had a best friend about whom he talked often. Months after I first heard about his new friend, I said, "There I was, waiting for my final accounting grade, and there she was, your friend's mother. Why didn't you ever tell me that your best friend is a girl and black? He looked at me blankly and said, "What possible difference could that have ever made?"
I daresay I swagger when I think about that. Because I did do that part. I rejected utterly the message of hate and racism that my mother and brothers shoved at him and reminded him regularly that he is no better or worse than any other human being in existence. I guess he heard me.
It was a quieter world then. Gay couples were not beaten to death in the streets. Demonstrators for peace were not run down by Nazi's driving pick-up trucks. Eight-year-old boys were not being hung for the crime of being bi-racial.
America was great. In the days before Donald Trump, America was great. Now it is consumed in hatred, violence, racism, misogyny, and violence. I thought we had outgrown those. I thought we knew better. But then, I didn't know Donald Trump. He is the living, breathing poster child for hate. He has no place in the White House, not even picking up trash off the lawns. Impeach hi9m. Arrest him. Do something. Get that monster out of the White House.
It was here. I remember. I remember America. It was where the right to free speech was practically sacred. It was where a free press was simply a given. It was where children of all races played together at the city park and no one on the park grounds had evil words to pass to other children. Parents did not hustle their children away from those ... other children. And if gays and lesbians were discussed at all, it was with a half-embarrassed but tolerant voice that said, well, I don't really know any, but I can't see what harm they could do.
Yes, there were white picket fences. Families went to church on Sunday and had brunch when they got home. It was the only day Dad put on a suit, and though Mom wore dresses every day, her church dress was much better. The kids changed into play clothes and after a much welcomed late breakfast (called brunch by adults) went outside to play albeit not as loudly or roughly as they had played during the week.
Though it was on one of those Sundays that I heard an argument that was getting old. My oldest brother wanted to marry the daughter of one my father's brothers. My mother said absolutely not; she's your first cousin and it's not done. Even then, into the morass of emotion, I thought, but he's my father's stepson. They're not related at all, so he's not related to his uncle's daughter because he's not related to his uncle so why can't he marry her? I wonder about these things. Is that what changed him? Or was it something dark and evil that changed him?
But I digress. I miss my America. I even miss the later America, the one I raised my son in. We didn't go to church on Sundays or have brunches. We usually camped when the weather allowed, or slept in and did not much on weekends, gearing up for the weeks ahead.
But that wasn't bad. His "big brother" was actually two gay men who taught my son much and more about what matters in a man -- and no, it isn't size. What matters is love, compassion, respect, and patience. I am quite proud to say that my son possesses all of those, but I hold no claim to them. His gay big brothers did that and dispensed with a boatload of male baggage in the process.
But do you see? Big Brothers/Big Sisters made that match and my son saw nothing strange in it. Nor did I. He had male influence and that mattered to me.
He also had a best friend about whom he talked often. Months after I first heard about his new friend, I said, "There I was, waiting for my final accounting grade, and there she was, your friend's mother. Why didn't you ever tell me that your best friend is a girl and black? He looked at me blankly and said, "What possible difference could that have ever made?"
I daresay I swagger when I think about that. Because I did do that part. I rejected utterly the message of hate and racism that my mother and brothers shoved at him and reminded him regularly that he is no better or worse than any other human being in existence. I guess he heard me.
It was a quieter world then. Gay couples were not beaten to death in the streets. Demonstrators for peace were not run down by Nazi's driving pick-up trucks. Eight-year-old boys were not being hung for the crime of being bi-racial.
America was great. In the days before Donald Trump, America was great. Now it is consumed in hatred, violence, racism, misogyny, and violence. I thought we had outgrown those. I thought we knew better. But then, I didn't know Donald Trump. He is the living, breathing poster child for hate. He has no place in the White House, not even picking up trash off the lawns. Impeach hi9m. Arrest him. Do something. Get that monster out of the White House.
Thursday, June 8, 2017
OK, I have to say it
Yes, I've been away for a while but I'm back. And to half of you, I'll have nothing positive to say and to the rest of you, I'll be on spot entirely. This is the way of being a stupid liberal who knows nothing about the real world.
Hah! I know plenty about the real world, and I'm not by any means stupid, nor am I a Libtard nor am I a Democrap. I do wish Mr. Trump's followers would get new vocabularies. I call them conservatives or the right. I, on the other hand, am vilified with such names as libtard and democrap. Really. Grow up.
And that's what I want to say to Donald Trump. Grow up. Quit with the Twitter tantrums. Quit with creating new drama every week. Grow up. Get a job you can do. Businessman apparently isn't it. Is it three bankruptcies or four.
Is it four trophy wives or three? I lose track of all the ridiculous ups and downs of an old man's vanished life.
I don't care if he's impeached, imprisoned, or quits. I just care that the mindless, heartless wannabe in the White House get out and take with him his witless vice president and his purely evil Speaker of the House. In fact, let's just fire all the Republicans and restore sanity to this country.
Our outstanding representatives from Wyoming are delighted to have worked closely with Mr. Trump in divesting 23,900 Wyoming citizens of their health insurance. I have been delighted with myself from time to time in my life. I have never, however, had occasion to celebrate my own ability to destroy human life. Because that's what they've done.
The poor will vanish. They will die. The disabled will vanish. They will die. The middle class will become the poor. The rich will become richer. By the time that maniac in the White House is done, there will be one class in America -- ancient fat rich guys.
But who will work in their hotels? Who will serve in their restaurants? Oh! Silly me. Call it insourcing. Mr. Trump will bring in slave labor from Africa. And he'll be sure to lock them up at night because they're monsters.
Let me tell you who the monsters were. They were immigrants. They came with drugs and weapons to take our jobs, rape our women, take our children from us, and even take our language, to say nothing of our homes, our lands, and our means of doing things as basic as eating. They came in hordes to destroy.
They were the white men who came from England and Spain to take over the new continent. They brought guns to shoot Indians who had tomahawks to respond with. They gave welcome blankets against the cold and infected tribes with smallpox. They raided villages while the warriors were gone fighting other groups meant to draw them from the villages, and they raped the women and broke open the children's heads on rocks. They rode away laughing.
They rode away laughing at Standing Rock, too. They broke hips and sent babies flying through the air with cold water high-pressure hoses. Why? Because the Indians of that reservation don't want that line going through their reservation. The primary reason is that if it does, it will cut off all water sources to the reservation. The second reason, which should be the more important, is that the reservation is their land. It's the paltry leavings that the white men gave them into perpetuity. It's theirs. No one has the right to enter that reservation or invade in any way without the permission of the residents. This pipeline is not authorized. Does Mr. Trump care that he's violating a treaty? Of course not. He's Donald Trump. The law doesn't apply to him.
If you voted for Donald Trump you should know that he doesn't care. If one of his plans gets in your road, too bad. He doesn't care about you. You got him into office. He will see you to your grave. He will cancel your insurance. He will raise the mortgage rates above levels ever seen before and render you homeless. But homelessness is about to become illegal so the police will be able to shoot you if you're homeless. So you die along with all the people who didn't vote for him. And all we're left with is ancient fat rich guys.
Or maybe it will be faster than that. Maybe that ancient rich fat guy in Washington will shoot off his mouth a few more times and someone will push a button and someone else will push a button and the human race will go into its own extinction with only one consolation -- Donald Trump can't survive nuclear war, either.
Get that man out of office. Get him gone. Before he puts an end to the very race that allegedly spawned him.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Back to that neat picture I saw
I said I'd say more about my post about the neat picture I
saw and then I vanished. I do vanish often. Health problems, ya
So here it is. I was raised by a Presbyterian, a
Catholic, a Christian Scientist and a man who wasn't exactly sure what he
believed but he was so nice about it, it didn't matter. And then I went
to a very private school for gifted girls (the boys' school was right across
the lake) run by Jesuit priests.
So, do you suppose I got confused? No. I was
never confused. I was just quiet. Sort of in the closet.
Because I didn't believe what any of them did, but there is a time when one may
speak and it isn't in childhood.
I do not believe that the birth of a child is the proof of
God's existence. I do not believe that violent weather represents God's
rage. I do not believe most of what I was taught and expected to believe.
I believe there is this life, here, today. I believe
it is my duty to live every day to the fullest of my ability. This means
not only finding the joy, but respecting others and their beliefs, respecting
others who were not made the way I was, and having no regard whatsoever for
gender lines or anyone else trying to control me. I figure if I can
control myself in a given day, that's a big job. There isn't enough of me
left over to try to control anyone else, and I want everyone to feel that way.
So, what that means is, I am not offended by your beliefs
and I expect that you will not be offended by mine. We are, I hope, all
adults here. We have, I hope, had enough life experience to teach us that
we cannot change others and we should not try.
Should, though I use it, has nasty connotations when others
use it about still more others. So, if you are forever saying, you should
... knock it off. Control yourself. Leave control of others to them.
And where is all this going? Well, they gave me
permission to use it, and so here it is. This is who I am, always have been,
and always will be:
Atheist Alliance International (AAI) is a global federation of atheist and freethought groups and individuals, committed to educating its members and the public about atheism, secularism and related issues.A positive global voice for atheism and secularism, Atheist Alliance International:
- Strengthens co-operation between atheist and freethought organisations around the world;
- Supports the establishment of new atheist/freethought organisations, particularly in developing countries; and
- Facilitates and supports projects/events that promote atheism, critical thinking and empiricism, while combating discrimination against atheists and freethinkers around the world.
Vision and MissionAtheist Alliance International's vision is a secular world where public policy, scientific inquiry and education are not influenced by religious beliefs, but based upon sound reasoning, rationality and evidence.Atheist Alliance International's mission is to challenge and confront religious faith, to strengthen global atheism by promoting the growth and interaction of atheist/freethought organisations around the world and to undertake international educational and advocacy projects.
EducationEducation is the core approach of Atheist Alliance International. AAI supports its members and the public in the acquisition of new knowledge by:
- Providing news on atheist/secular issues and campaigns through the AAI website and social media channels
- Publishing Secular World magazine and the periodic Imagine! newsletter
- Hosting atheist conventions with local groups around the world, to provide the opportunity for communities to hear from established and new atheist speakers
- Supporting the establishment of new atheist/freethought groups, particularly in developing countries
- Supporting educational projects, such as the Kasese Humanist Primary School in Uganda
AdvocacyBasic rights, justice and social responsibility form the foundation of what it means to be human. AAI works to defend and protect the rights of atheists and like-minded people by publicising relevant issues, distributing media releases, developing policy statements and cooperating with other groups to bring issues and injustices to the attention of media and government.
Community-BuildingAAI recognises the value of social communities and the importance of providing a strong and protective foundation for individuals, families and groups. In addition to promoting and encouraging the formation of new atheist organisations around the world, AAI supports international outreach and community-building programs such as the atheist "OUT" campaign. Such programs raise general awareness of the atheist community, help new communities to become established and counter the bias and discrimination directed at atheists. Some of these activities are operated through the AAI Foundation.Atheist Alliance International is run by a volunteer international Board of Directors and relies on membership fees and donations to fund its activities. If you support atheism and secularism please join us!
HistoryAtheist Alliance International was founded in the United States as the Atheist Alliance in 1991 by four local US atheist organisations: Atheists United (Los Angeles, California), Atheist Coalition (San Diego, California), Atheists of San Francisco Region (California) and the Atheist Network (Houston, Texas). Atheist Alliance quickly added additional affiliates. Within a year, it had eight US organisations as members and by the end of 1992, its first international affiliate.Atheist Alliance began publishing its magazine, Secular Nation, in the second half of 1994.Atheist Alliance began hosting US conventions in 1995, with the first one held in Los Angeles, California. The Atheist Alliance website went on-line in 1997.By 2001, the organisation had a half-dozen affiliates outside the US, and so changed its name to Atheist Alliance International (AAI).In 2006, AAI held its first international conference, in Reykjavik, Iceland. In 2010, it began its current program of co-hosting conventions with Affiliate and Associate Members, starting with the extremely successful 2010 Global Atheist Convention held in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.In 2010 AAI determined that it could more effectively pursue its goals by separating its US-focused activities from its global activities. The US-focused group, Atheist Alliance of America, became an Affiliate Member of AAI.
Values1. Reason and rational thought. Reason and rational thought are the basis of logical decision making and essential to address the issues faced by humanity.2. Science and empiricism. The scientific method is the best tool we have for seeking truth and understanding our world. We make conclusions based on the best available evidence and change our conclusions accordingly as new evidence becomes known.3. Compassion. Human compassion and empathy are the basis of a cooperative social structure that benefits all people.4. Purpose. This life is the only life we know we will have and it is up to each of us to utilise it meaningfully.5. Freedom. All people are entitled to freedom from discrimination on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity and disability. All people are entitled to freedom of conscience. AAI supports the values outlined in the International Convention of Human Rights.6. Responsibility. Each person is part of a global society and is responsible for humane interaction with other people and animals and for the preservation of our habitable planet.
Read those 6 items. It doesn't get any closer to perfect
than that. Those are the things I have believed most of my rational life.
Of all of the preachers and priests and most reverend folk I knew, those who
influenced me the most were the Jesuits, who taught us to wonder why. They taught us to use reason and logic to
solve our problems. Granted, they also
taught us about God, and they taught us the academics, and they taught us
sports and drama and all manner of well-rounded child stuff. But mostly, what I heard from them was, use
your mind. Use reason. Apply logic.
Gather facts. Stand on your
conclusions. I took the long way round
but I figured out by the time I was about 13 that I am an atheist. Thirteen in my sheltered world was still a
little girl. It was not expected that,
aside from academic successes, I would be a grown up at that age. I didn’t think I was, either, but I knew I
didn’t belong in church.
I was 15 before my beloved custodians noted that I no longer
attended church, largely from the reports of the Jesuits that I was not
attending church. My Gram asked me
why. I said they don’t say anything that
I believe in.
She thought about that and then she said in her normal
loving voice, “How about a deal? You don’t
have to believe what they say or even listen.
But it’s a Jesuit school; you have to go to church. So you go, and while the priest is saying his
bit, work on your homework mentally, or think about what we’re going to do for
the next weekend. Now, how many services
have you missed at school?”
I shrugged. “About two years.”
She gawked. She said,
“How is it they just noticed?”
“Well, most of the time I’m not at school on weekends and we
get back well after the last Sunday service, so they probably assumed I was
going to church at home or abroad. But
the last few weeks, I’ve been staying at school on the weekends because Becky’s
Mom died and she stays at school.”
She nodded. ‘That’s very kind you. So that’s how they caught you. On campus but not in church.”
“What’s the shortest session?”
“That’s the noon one. It’s only half an hour.”
“People from the community come for it, and they’re welcome,
but they have other things to do, too, so the fathers worked out a really short
session for them.”
“Are the girls welcome?”
I nodded. “We are.”
“Then what about our deal?
You go to the noon one and calm the fathers down, and I’ll see about
that horse.”
“I’ll see about that horse,” meant that the horse I’d had my
heart set on for about a year was going to be mine. And I did figure out things to do during the
short noon session. My face was pointed
forward and my mouth knew the responses.
I was training my horse. I
trained; I didn’t break and that made great horses. The grooms teased me that nobody else could
tame a horse with just love and apples.
I said anyone could, if they tried.
So I was 13 when I realized that I was sitting in a Jesuit
church, listening to a Jesuit sermon, and not believing a word of it. But just as I dislike having Christianity shoved
down my throat, I have not shoved my lack of faith down anyone’s throat. It just is.
And that’s my way. When a thing
can’t be changed, it just is. I have
been an atheist since I was about 13. A group of dedicated German men opened a
small school and taught hundreds of gifted girls to, before all else, think.
I thank them for that. I’m sure
they would not like where my thoughts took me, but they taught me to gather my
facts, consider them dispassionately, determine what they had taught me, and
engage it. I did. I am an atheist.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
I'm worried about the human race
Back in ancient times, when I was in college, I overheard a conversation between two professors that concerned me. I mentioned it to one of them a while later and they were weary eyes that turned to me. He said, "Tell me, why does that upset you?" I said, "If we deny the things that have been done to us, or the things we have done to others, how will we ever stop those things from happening again?" He nodded. He said, "Yeah. That is why I teach it. My parent's died at a prison camp in Poland. If we don't remember it, and study it, and learn from it, will we stand by silently when it happens again?"
He was teaching a class called The Holocaust. The first day of that class, he walked out after 20 minutes of non-stop shouts and denials and statements that it was all propaganda and nothing more. The next semester, the same thing happened to the Viet Nam vet who tried to teach the Viet Nam semester.
And now, so many years later, I see it happening again. We are forgetting that they violated us, slapped the eagle's face and danced jigs on the wasteland of our grief. We haven't forgot to complain about the loss of freedoms we have suffered since then. We haven't forgot to complain about TSA.
But we are growing complacent again, and we are denying that it can happen again. We are ignoring the radical factions building in our own country, determined to clean out Washington DC and take over government themselves.
We are politicizing new terror threats and shrugging as our embassies in the Middle East are cleared and closed. One man told me what a drag his upcoming business trip is going to be if everything has to be focused on security and crap, and didn't they kill that guy, that Bin Laden guy, so what's the deal?
Yeah, we killed that Bin Laden guy. But he wasn't the entire organization. He was one man and he was their leader, but where one leader falls, another will step up.
Where discontent boils and has no lawful outlet, it will find an outlet, lawful or not. Where heated heads rule, and change is brought about by gunfire, whose finger will be on that button? Will it be under the control of a level head inside that radical faction? Or will there be a heated mind flush with victory, a finger shaking with adrenaline on that button?
Will we after all go quietly into the night, denying to our very last instant that it ever happened here or ever could? Did they cripple the eagle and take the spine from America? Did they turn us into angry, hateful, vengeful partisans who can only throw invective at each other?
I am worried for the human race, being herded like cattle to its ultimate destruction.
He was teaching a class called The Holocaust. The first day of that class, he walked out after 20 minutes of non-stop shouts and denials and statements that it was all propaganda and nothing more. The next semester, the same thing happened to the Viet Nam vet who tried to teach the Viet Nam semester.
And now, so many years later, I see it happening again. We are forgetting that they violated us, slapped the eagle's face and danced jigs on the wasteland of our grief. We haven't forgot to complain about the loss of freedoms we have suffered since then. We haven't forgot to complain about TSA.
But we are growing complacent again, and we are denying that it can happen again. We are ignoring the radical factions building in our own country, determined to clean out Washington DC and take over government themselves.
We are politicizing new terror threats and shrugging as our embassies in the Middle East are cleared and closed. One man told me what a drag his upcoming business trip is going to be if everything has to be focused on security and crap, and didn't they kill that guy, that Bin Laden guy, so what's the deal?
Yeah, we killed that Bin Laden guy. But he wasn't the entire organization. He was one man and he was their leader, but where one leader falls, another will step up.
Where discontent boils and has no lawful outlet, it will find an outlet, lawful or not. Where heated heads rule, and change is brought about by gunfire, whose finger will be on that button? Will it be under the control of a level head inside that radical faction? Or will there be a heated mind flush with victory, a finger shaking with adrenaline on that button?
Will we after all go quietly into the night, denying to our very last instant that it ever happened here or ever could? Did they cripple the eagle and take the spine from America? Did they turn us into angry, hateful, vengeful partisans who can only throw invective at each other?
I am worried for the human race, being herded like cattle to its ultimate destruction.
Friday, June 7, 2013
I Saw the Neatest Picture ....
Jesus in all his Caucasian glory, was sitting on a rock, and saying, "This is how it is. I created you with original sin. Then I killed off a lot of you for sinning. Then I got a woman pregnant with me so you could kill me so I could forgive your sins." This is the best description I have ever seen of Christian philosophy.
A Family Law professor asked us one day, "How do you know the Bible wasn't written by ten drunk guys sitting on a rock?"
A pastoral associate in a Catholic Church told me that the biggest myth in the Bible is Genesis. It is simply the Christian creation myth and each faith has one. It appears that most people need to understand where they came from and where they're going after they die. This makes of most people seekers of the key to comfortable circumstances after death.
Here's an idea. Instead of dwelling on where we came from and where we're going, why not focus on today and make of each new one the best day it can be?
More on this later.
A Family Law professor asked us one day, "How do you know the Bible wasn't written by ten drunk guys sitting on a rock?"
A pastoral associate in a Catholic Church told me that the biggest myth in the Bible is Genesis. It is simply the Christian creation myth and each faith has one. It appears that most people need to understand where they came from and where they're going after they die. This makes of most people seekers of the key to comfortable circumstances after death.
Here's an idea. Instead of dwelling on where we came from and where we're going, why not focus on today and make of each new one the best day it can be?
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
My Books

God has Spoken. She has sorted. She has reduced the world's population to a few who are inherently non-violent and essentially good people. They are good enough, anyway, for God's plans. She intends to make of Haven, their new home, a living heaven. All those chosen are close enough to angelic to, with a bit of work, become angels. She sends the Guardians, those who have walked since time began, observing Her children and reporting back to Her about them, to guide this small group to angelic status.
There's just one small problem. Mysterious and her mate, Walker, are the guardians. Well, they are the Guardians' bodies. But, well, you see, Mysterious and Walker got way-laid on the way to God's new world. They got way-laid by two of Satan's favorite nasty demons. And they have captured God. She is locked inside Mysterious' brain with a nasty and rather smelly little demon and with a surprisingly insane Mysterious; that relates to a baby in a pot. And of course She can see perfectly well what the demons plan. They plan to destroy Her new world. They plan to pervert it and corrupt and to make it Lucifer's sort of place.
God calls upon Another and says, um, you wanna get me outta here? And the Other smiles with love and says, of course I will. It's what I do, after all. I do Thy will. Be patient just a bit. For there are others we must protect, too. And God says, oh yeah! Yeah, those I made of the Cloud I am, would you please be sure to keep the demons from them, because of course if one Child of the Cloud is destroyed, all of them are, and time itself is extinguished. It starts all over with the Garden and Adam and Eve.
The Other smiles. That isn't going to happen. That small boy who is Cloud is brilliant beyond comprehension. He will be smart and he will be careful. As this book ends, Mysterious has had a hissy fit and sent all of God's chosen back to Earth and wiped their minds of all they knew of the new world. But she's going to bring them to Haven and start over. The demons are gone now. So now we have Walker, who is pretty bland, and Mysterious, who is mad as a hatter running the show.

The rebirth of the world of the chosen didn't work out very well. In fact, the cover of the book, which shows rampant raging fire, pretty much describes how this whole plan to restart worked out.
Sinead of God and her mate, Sean, are the Guardians. But long ago, battered and worn by their walk upon Humankind's road, they turned to their Friend Above and said, enough. We cannot walk this road any longer. And She said then I will send others and you, My Guardians, will turn now and walk The Road Less Traveled. And so the bond formed and was accepted. Another pair would walk Humankind's road and incur the scars and battery of Humankind's wars and pogroms. And in exchange for this, Sinead would serve God's every wish without demur.
But this one is hard. This one requires that Sinead destroy Mysterious and then rebuild her without the madness. Mysterious, for all her wrongs and weaknesses, is as close as Sinead of God will ever get to a sister. To intentionally drive her to a complete breakdown by poking sticks at her insanity is too hard. But Sinead obeys Her beloved God and Mysterious is wiped clean. And rebuilt.

But Mysterious and Walker take over the administration of Haven, free of demons and no longer in possession of God. But they are not the Guardians, and the Chosen are beginning to realize that. Mysterious and Walker are gray. Sinead and Sean are Technicolor in their love for each other, their respect for each other, and the simple open-handed generosity of spirit they carry. And then there's the magic. Sinead has a boatload of it. Mysterious can make food and clothes when needed.
The last thing Sinead wants is to manage Haven! It has humans on it! Sinead wearied of humans a long time ago! But the Chosen know that Mysterious and Walker are not the Guardians. And they ask Sinead how it can be, that they are called the Guardians. Sinead of God has no capacity to lie. She cannot tell the Chosen that Mysterious and Walker are the Guardians. And so that magnificently powerful girl kneels and turns her pretty face to heaven and says, Thy will be done. Mysterious and Walker ascend to heaven for the last time. And Sinead of God and her mate Sean return to the South cap of Haven, where there is a place called The Road Less Traveled. There, they live with their growing family, and angels. Angels are not Humans. They are not fractious, and they cannot lie, and they are happy in their lives on Haven. They are honored to stand in service to the true Guardians, who want no pomp and circumstance at all, but rather fishing trips with their children, and picnics and barbecues. It all works very well.
But then North are the Humans. And they do have to be dealt with. Over and over again.

Bat means born of. Sarah is the child of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. She has lived since six months after her father died on the Romans' cross. She has seen her mother die, and she has accepted God's charge that she must forever after protect her mother's body. No, not her bones. Her body. Sarah's mother never putrefied.
Sarah travels 2,000 years and more, always being carefully spirited away by the Knights Templar, when it seemed she would be discovered. Always, her mother's body travels with her, and it is a rare day that Sarah does not kneel at that casket and weep.
She finds a place, finally, where Mary Magdalene can rest in safety, and Sarah can let go her duty somewhat. And then God proposes that Sarah become the mother of His new race. She would never say no to God; it is unthinkable. And so she becomes the single and unmarried and virgin mother of the new race.
She finds a man she much enjoys and in time, marries him. But then God tells Sarah the most alarming thing. It's time she expose Him. Well, she won't say no to God, so she does.
God is a man from another galaxy who carried so much magic out of that galaxy that he could not live in a body with it. So he became just his soul with all that magic. But now the man has wants. He is lonely and he is tired of being God. He wants to leave the God bit in heaven and Walk on Earth. And in his Walk, he fully intends to marry Sarah. He tells her that. Horror is not even a good enough word to express Sarah's reaction to this, but she finds the saving words. She's married to Mark. She can't marry God.
So God kills Mark. He simply removes Mark from the world.
Sarah is livid! She is furious! What more selfish act might God ever perform!
And so she leaves her home and rides out on her horse.
Four months later the man who walks Earth who was God, showed up in her rough camp and essentially advised her that she was going home. Her children were there!
They are not my children. They're yours. Your new race. I meant nothing to you other than the incubator of your new race. So have them. Leave me alone!
Naturally, he's not going to do any such thing.
All of these and a few more will be published to the Kindle. They will all cost a whopping $2.99. Watch for them.
Oh, my pen name is MacKenzie Morgan, the last names of the two girls who bet with me in 7th grade that one of us would be the first of the three to publish a book. When I got that blessed email from Amazon saying, your book has been published, I forwarded it to them. Several days later, two money orders for $250 each were in my mailbox. The pen name honors those sweet friends from days gone by.
The cover artist is Jenn Ryan. The editor is Kitty Hamilton.
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